Things to Consider When Buying Butt Plugs

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In the world of sex toys, you can’t ask for a more multifaceted toy than the humble butt plug. They are straightforward to use, self-explanatory, easy to clean, and, for such a small toy, they pack a mighty punch. These toys are real game-changers for all of us who like to dabble in the dark arts of anal play.

Butt plugs can be a gateway to the bigger and (not necessarily) better toys that will open you all the way up, or they can be the final destination. It’s all about what you’re into and what you’re aiming for. Butt plugs are also an excellent prep tool for penetrative anal sex, and they come in handy for prostate stimulation, which makes them the ideal toy for anal play. 

Either way, butt plugs can make your sex life go from drab to fab in a blink of an eye. But before you run off to the nearest sex shop (website) to get your horny hands on one of these bad boys, make sure you aren’t writing checks your butt can’t cash.

Here are the most critical things every beginner should know before buying anal plugs.

Is There One to Rule Them All? 

There’s no such thing as THE best butt plug. You’ll find the one you feel comfortable with to be the one to rule all others. Because this toy is so versatile, it comes in various shapes and sizes. Which one you pick depends on your preference and capabilities. 

For example, a tight, virgin butt won’t be able to take a colossal stainless steel vibrating butt plug that’s bigger than your fist. Well, not at first, at least.

Buying a Butt Plug Set Instead

If you’re quite enthusiastic about anal play and are working your way toward completely opening your back door to guests, you should consider getting an anal trainer set like what is being offered by Butt plug sets are an excellent starting point for beginners because they include several plugs that gradually increase in size. 

You can start with the smallest one and work your way up once you feel like you’ve mastered the previous one. With each plug, you’ll be able to open yourself up more, and you’ll reach new levels of pleasure. That way, you’ll be able to train your ass to take the monster plug we just mentioned.

Treading carefully through the waters of anal play is the top advice anyone can give you. If you have a tight butt — congrats, by the way — but want to be the biggest bottom out there, butt plug sets are a ticket to your dreams. 

Butt Plug Size

Butt plugs are quite affordable, but you should probably check if you even want something up your butt before you spit out the cash for a plug. So step out of the darkness and into the light (or the other way around) and stick a lubed finger up your butt to see if you’ll even enjoy the sensation or not. If you like it, then go hunt down the perfect plug for yourself.

When it comes to butt plugs, size isn’t something you want to misjudge. If you go too big, you might hurt yourself or have such a dreadful experience that will make you shy away from all plugs for the rest of your life. And that would be a real shame, given that all butts should be treated to a proper plugging every now and then. 

Anal toys can stretch your rectum to incredible sizes (fisting is a real thing, after all). However, novices should always choose a small toy to begin their journey into anal play. Thin, small butt plugs will still stimulate the nerve endings in the rectum, without making the whole ordeal impossible or painful.

Butt Plug Types

Come one, come all, and pick the right plug for yourself! In the world of sex toys, there’s something for everyone. Do you want a water-based silicone butt plug you can play with while in the shower? Done! Do you need a bullet vibrator that will plug you up nicely and shake you to your very core with delicious pulsing? No problem!

Take your pick among:

  • classic plus for those who like to play it safe
  • expanding plug for those who live on the edge
  • tunnel plugs that add another layer of adventure
  • inflatable plugs that push your limits
  • vibrating plugs that make your toes curl
  • remote-controlled plugs for a hands-free experience
  • electroshock plugs that add a bit of danger
  • extra large plugs for the overachievers

There are also rimming butt plugs, plugs with cock rings, wireless butt plugs, and many other types out there. 

The essential thing to consider, however, when choosing a butt plug for yourself is the base. If there’s no flared base, then it’s best to continue your search. Plugs without a flared base can slip in and get a bit lost in the depths of your tight ass. 

The Best Lubricants to Use

Unlike vaginas, butts don’t offer that sweet and oh-so-convenient self-lubrication. That means that no matter what you approach your butt with, you have to lube it. 

You can use an oil-based lubricant if you’re just taking the plug for a solo ride. However, if you’re playing with your partner or have invited a couple of people to your bed, you should definitely use plugs with condoms. If that’s the case (and it should be), you should stick to lubes that have a water or silicone base. Oil-based lubes can break down the latex the condoms are made of, which isn’t something you want to worry about.

On the other hand, silicone-based lubricants can eat away at silicone toys. Although thicker and generally better for anal play, silicone lube can damage your plug if it’s of the same material. You can work around that by buying a glass or steel plug or by sticking to water-based lube.


Last But Not Least — Where to Buy Butt Plugs

Sex toys aren’t something you want to purchase from a shady store or a glitchy website. Make safe choices and always check up on the manufacturer or distributor. The best advice we can give is to choose reputable sex shops (or their online counterparts) because they can guarantee not only the safety of the product but also customer satisfaction. 

Now’s not the time to be stingy and cheap. If you’re going to be pushing something up your butt, make sure that it’s safe as that takes precedence over affordability. An esteemed distributor should always have positive feedback on their pages from satisfied customers. So make sure to do your research before making a purchase!